Register Free Domains

Posted by Unknown , Tuesday, March 19, 2013 12:30 PM

Most of the guys like domain to host their website. Because, the domain is one of the most important fact if anybody want to make his website more different to look than the other website. It is also best way to gave own website's domain. Because, if you're having domains you'll get more and more privileges in SEO. You can have some free domains if you want.
Register Free Domains

Actually there are many LTD domains. These are the top level domains. But, if you want to have some free domains you can register them for free. But, if you want to register the .com domain for free it's actually fake. But, you can have some other top level domain for free for the life time. You can register the following domains for free for life time.
  • .tk domain. Actually there are many domains like ... .com/ .net/ .org etc like that you are having this top level domain. This domains is also free for life. You can make sure visiting this site and enjoy the first bite of registering the free domain. This is such a domain that is also preferred by the search engines. Because, I've also found some websites online with great rank with this domain. So, you can check this domain for free to start your first online website without paying a single penny for your top level domain.
  •  This is also one of the most popular free domain. You also can register here free domain. This is the extension of this domain. But, it is said that this domain is not preferred by the search engine and that's why the websites attached with this domains does not get good rank online. So, I can't refer you to have this free domain to start your website. But, if you're just a beginner to have the new website to learn, then this site is perfect to launch your free domain registrant.
  • You may see many ads on various websites what offer free domains (.com/ .net/ .org etc). Don't be too much tempt with that kind of offer. Because, it's never can happen without purchasing anything online. This offers are true. But, this offers will be activated if you're going to purchase something other products like Hosting etc. So, you're offered by the business.
  • Cheap .com/ .net/ .org domains registrant. You may see sometimes various kind of domain with only $0.99 Yes this is true. This can happen for many popular web Hosting and free domain registrant websites. Like you can have a glance on Godaddy. Because, only this company can offer you a lot of discount to register domain all over the year.

    My personal suggestion is to purchase a domain. Because, you can purchase a domain only for $10/year. I think this is not too much expensive for anybody. So, register free domains or purchase the domains as you wish.